The English settlement of the original 13 Colonies were located on the Atlantic coast of North America and founded between 1607 in Virginia and 1733 in Georgia.

The arrival of the first colonists in Jamestown in 1607 who suffered the Starving Time and the Pilgrim Fathers who arrived on the Mayflower in Plymouth Settlement in 1620, refer to the Mayflower Compact and the people who immigrated to Colonial America.

The original 13 colonies were Delaware, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Bay Colony (which included Maine), New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.  The original 13 colonies were divided into three geographic areas consisting of the New England colonies, the Middle colonies, and the Southern colonies.

The New England Colonies list consisted of four of the original 13 Colonies:
-New Hampshire
-Massachusetts Bay Colony
-Rhode Island
The Middle Colonies list also consisted of four of the original 13 Colonies:
-New York
-New Jersey
The Southern Colonies list consisted of five of the original 13 Colonies:
-North Carolina
-South Carolina

The geography of New England consisted of mountains thick with trees, rivers and poor rocky soil that was difficult to farm and unsuitable for agriculture. Natural Resources included fish, whales, forests and imported agricultural products from other colonies. This climate was the coldest of the three regions, leading to difficult winters but less disease. 

The geography and climate of the Middle Colonies was a mix of the New England and Southern features. Natural Resources included good farmland, timber, furs and coal. Iron ore was a particularly important natural resource. 

The geography of the Southern Colonies was hilly coastal plains with plenty of forests. Natural Resources, the Southern colonies concentrated on developing plantations that eventually grew cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane and indigo (a purple dye). This climate was the warmest of the three regions, winters not difficult to survive, warmer climate gave rise to the spread of disease. 


The Pilgrims were a group of English people who came to America seeking religious freedom during the reign of King James I. After two attempts to leave England and move to Holland, a Separatist group was finally relocated to Amsterdam where they stayed for about one year. From there the group moved to the town of Leiden, Holland, where they remained for about ten years, able to worship as they wished under lenient Dutch law.
Fearing their children were losing their English heritage and religious beliefs, the resumption of war and their inability as non-citizens to find decent jobs, a small group from the Leiden church made plans to settle in Northern Virginia - as New England was known at the time. In August 1620 the group sailed for Southampton, England, where other English colonists who hoped to make a new life in America met them.
They planned to make the crossing to America in two ships, the Speedwell and Mayflower. However, after many problems the Speedwell was forced to return to England where the group was reorganized. In their second attempt to cross the Atlantic, they boarded the Mayflower in September 1620 bound for the New World. They arrived as winter was settling in and endured significant hardships as they struggled to establish a successful colony at Plymouth.

Virginia Company 
The Virginia Company was a joint-stock cooperation. A joint stock company is a business entity in which shares of the company’s stock can be bought and sold by the Shareholders.  The Virginia company comprised two companies, the Virginia company of London and the Virginia Company of Plymouth, chartered on 10 of April 1606 under James I. They had the goal of gathering resources and collectively financing the settlements on the northern coast of America as Britain’s first colony in the new world. 
This strive for the claim of new territories to exploit their commodities was partly motivated by the comparison of the British with the Spanish empire. By the turn of the 16thinto the 17thcentury, Spain had robbed enough gold and silver from the Aztecs and Incas to build a massive empire and accumulate great power. A gamble for the occupation of the most fruitful territories started between the great European empires. 
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Although the Virginia Company started small, it set the stage for the British settlement in the new world and therefore influenced the international market and early capitalistic trade immensely. 

Primarily, the northern, west coast of America was parted in two overlapping zones, for each of which one of the Virginia Companies was responsible. 
However, the Virginia Company also built a representative government, that formed the first institutionalizing power in the British-American colonies. Unfortunately for the settlers, the northern American mainland did not possess as much precious metals as the Aztecan empires and thus the early settlers suffered starvation until they discovered the possibility of growing Tabaco and selling it to mainland Europa. 


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